JSBB: Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2022

Neuro a bioinformatics tool for specialized integrated data on the Nervous System
نظام المعلوماتيةـالحيوية الـ Neuro مصدر بيانات مدمجة في مجال الجهاز العصبي.

RACHEDI Abdelkrim

Laboratory of Biotoxicology, Pharmacognosy and biological valorisation of plants, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, University of Saida - Dr Moulay Tahar, 20100 Saida, Algeria.

📧 E. mail: abdelkrim.rachedi@univ-saida.dz

Published: 15 December 2022

The Neuro🔶 bioinformatics tool is a data integration resource specific for Nervous system as an expansion implimentation of the data-mining and data-integration algorithm developed for the GABAagent, see articles refered to below. system.

Researching the Neuro would provide integrated data related to the nervous system, Figure 1, including; Protein and nucleic acids sequences, genomes and genes pertaining data, drugs information, relevant

3D-structures (when available), scientific literature references and more. It also provide external links to diseases as related to the search context, Figure 2.

نظام المعلوماتية الحيوية Neuro🔶 يمثل موردًا لدمج البيانات الخاصة بالجهاز العصبي، الصورة 1، وهو تنفيذ توسيعي لخوارزمية استخراج البيانات وتكاملها الخاص بنظام GABAagent، أنظر المقالات المشار إليها أدناه.

البحث في نظام الـ Neuro يوفر بيانات متخصصة حول مواضيع الجهاز العصبي ومن بينها: السّلاسل البروتينية، الجينية، الجينومية، الأدوية المستعملة والتراكيب الفراغية ثلاثية_الأبعاد (عند توفرها) بالإضافة إلى المراجع العلمية. كما يوفر روابط خارجية لتفاصيل حول الأمراض يمثل ذات الصلة بعملية البحث، الصورة 2.

GABAagent reference paper and relevant articles in the JSBB journal:
ورقة البحث المرجعية للنظام GABAagent ومقالات ذات الصلة في المجلة JSBB:

🖝 Abdelkrim Rachedi et al., " GABAagent: a system for integrating data on GABA receptors." Bioinformatics. 2000 Apr;16(4):301-12.          

🖝 GABAagent a Search Engine for GABA receptors, regulatory ligands and more.. University of Saida, Algeria.

🖝 Why are drugs with a similar mode of action to the fatal nerve gas Sarin used to treat the symptoms of dementia ?

Access to Neuro is available via the following link:
يمكن استخدام نظام الـ Neuro من الرابط التالي:

🖝 https://bioinformatics.univ-saida.dz/neuro/

Figure 1. The Neuro system interface page.
Users type in keywords such as bipolar to enquire for data about the disease.

Figure 2. List in hyperlink items providing search results related to the keyword bipolar.
Results includes link for disease related data.

A show case demonstration of the Neuro power and result details when searching the keyword bipolar (the disease) are shown in the Figures 3 to 6.

الصُّور من 3 إلى 6 تعطي تمثيل عن نتائج نظام Neuro وقُوته وتفاصيل النتايج عندما يتم البحث عن الكلمة المفتاحية bipolar (المرض العصبي ثنائي_القطب).

Figure 3. Details of one of the query relevant drugs.

Figure 4. Details of one of the query relevant protein sequences.

Figure 5. Details of one of the query relevant genomic data.

Figure 6. Details of one of the query relevant research papers.

🔶 Neuro v.1.0 a tool for integrated data on the Nervous System, by Structural Biology & Bioinformatics Groups, Biology Dept, Faculty of Science, University of Saida, Algeria
نظام المعلوماتيةـالحيوية الـ Neuro v.1.0 مصدر بيانات مدمجة في مجال الجهاز العصبي


The <b>Neuro</b> system interface page.<br>Users type in keywords such as <b>bipolar</b> to enquire for data about the disease.
Figure 1. The Neuro system interface page.
Users type in keywords such as bipolar to enquire for data about the disease.

List in hyperlink items providing search results related to the keyword <b>bipolar</b>.<br>Results includes link for disease related data.
Figure 2. List in hyperlink items providing search results related to the keyword bipolar.
Results includes link for disease related data.

Details of one of the query relevant drugs.
Figure 3. Details of one of the query relevant drugs.

Details of one of the query relevant protein sequences.
Figure 4. Details of one of the query relevant protein sequences.

Details of one of the query relevant genomic data.
Figure 5. Details of one of the query relevant genomic data.

Details of one of the query relevant research papers.
Figure 6. Details of one of the query relevant research papers.