JSBB: Volume 2, Issue 2, July 2023 - BIOMATHEMATICS ARTICLES
Concept article: Review
Biomathematics: Unveiling the Hidden Connections between Mathematics and Life Sciences

RACHEDI Abdelkrim

Laboratory of Biotoxicology, Pharmacognosy and biological valorisation of plants, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, University of Saida - Dr Moulay Tahar, 20100 Saida, Algeria.

📧 E. mail: abdelkrim.rachedi@univ-saida.dz, bioinformatics@univ-saida.dz

Published: 01 July 2023


Biomathematics, an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of mathematics, biology, and informatics, has revolutionized scientific research by employing mathematical models and artificial intelligence techniques to study biological phenomena.

This article explores the wide-ranging applications of biomathematics in biology, medicine, ecology, genetics, and structural biology. Mathematical modeling has been instrumental in understanding population dynamics, disease transmission, pharmacokinetics, genetic traits, and evolutionary processes. Furthermore, the integration of biomathematics with structural biology has led to breakthroughs in protein structure prediction, analysis, and macromolecular interactions.

Informatics science plays a crucial role in handling vast biological datasets, employing techniques such as bioinformatics and data mining to extract meaningful patterns and knowledge. Moreover, the recent advancements in artificial intelligence have further enhanced the capabilities of biomathematics by enabling the analysis of genomic data, accelerating drug discovery, improving medical imaging analysis, and facilitating personalized medicine.

The integration of biomathematics and artificial intelligence has immense potential for advancing our understanding of biological systems, driving research innovation, and improving patient care.

Key words
Biomathematics, Mathematical biology, Mathematics, Biostatistics, Artificial intelligence, Mathematical modeling, Bioinformatics, Population dynamics, Systems biology, Genomic data analysis

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Biomathematics, also known as mathematical biology is as an interdisciplinary field, relies on the principles of mathematics, statistics also known as biostatistics, informatics science, and increasingly, artificial intelligence. It plays a critical role in advancing our knowledge of biology, medicine, ecology, and genetics [1]. It involves the application of mathematical techniques and models to study biological phenomena, understand the underlying mechanisms, and make predictions about biological systems.

Throughout history, scientists have recognized the intrinsic connection between mathematics and the study of living systems. Mathematics has proven to be a powerful tool for unraveling the complexities of life, revealing hidden patterns, making predictions, and gaining insights into biological systems. The emergence of biomathematics at the intersection of these two disciplines has revolutionized scientific research, enabling researchers to harness the power of quantitative analysis to investigate and explain the mysteries of life [2].

In the pursuit of understanding the intricacies of life, scientists have often turned to mathematics to uncover hidden patterns, make predictions, and gain insights into complex biological systems. Biomathematics has emerged at the intersection of mathematics and biology, enabling researchers to harness the power of quantitative analysis to unravel the mysteries of life. By utilizing mathematical models, biostatistics techniques, and computational algorithms, biomathematics has revolutionized various fields, including biology, medicine, ecology, and genetics.

The applications of biomathematics are far-reaching and have had a profound impact on multiple fields. By utilizing mathematical models, biostatistics methods, and computational algorithms, biomathematics has provided a systematic framework for studying biological phenomena, understanding underlying mechanisms, and making predictions about complex biological systems. It has contributed significantly to advancements in biology, medicine, ecology, and genetics, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and improving our overall knowledge of the living world [3]. In this article, we will explore the applications of biomathematics and its crucial role in advancing our knowledge of the living world.

Mathematical Modeling in Biology

One of the key contributions of biomathematics lies in the development of mathematical models that can capture the dynamics of biological systems. These models are often based on differential equations, which describe how the variables in a system change over time. By formulating mathematical equations that represent the interactions between different components of a biological system, researchers can simulate and predict the behavior of these systems under different conditions [4].

For instance, mathematical models have been extensively used to understand the growth of populations in ecology. The famous Lotka-Volterra equations, named after Alfred J. Lotka and Vito Volterra, describe the predator-prey interactions in an ecosystem. These equations elucidate how changes in the populations of predators and prey affect each other over time. By analyzing these mathematical models, ecologists can gain insights into the stability, resilience, and conservation of natural ecosystems [5].

Biomathematics in Medicine

The application of biomathematics extends beyond ecology into the realm of medicine, where it plays a vital role in understanding diseases, optimizing treatment strategies, and predicting outcomes [3]. Mathematical models have been instrumental in studying the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. Epidemiological models, including the SIR (Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered) model, allow researchers to simulate and analyze the transmission dynamics of diseases within populations. These models provide valuable information for public health officials and policymakers in developing effective intervention strategies, such as vaccination campaigns and social distancing measures [6].

Furthermore, biomathematics has significantly contributed to the field of pharmacokinetics, which involves studying how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated by the body. By developing mathematical models that capture drug behavior, researchers can optimize dosage regimens, predict drug concentrations in different tissues, and assess the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. This interdisciplinary approach has led to advancements in personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to individual patients based on their unique physiological characteristics [7].

Genetics and Biomathematics

Advancements in biomathematics have also had a profound impact on the field of genetics. The study of complex genetic traits, such as hereditary diseases and gene expression patterns, often involves analyzing vast amounts of genomic data. Mathematical and statistical techniques are employed to identify genetic variants associated with specific traits, decipher gene regulatory networks, and understand the inheritance patterns of genetic disorders [8].

In addition, biomathematical models have shed light on the evolutionary processes that shape the diversity of life. Through mathematical frameworks like population genetics, researchers can simulate the genetic changes that occur over time and investigate the factors that drive speciation, adaptation, and genetic drift [9].

Biomathematics and Structural Biology

Biomathematics plays a significant role in the field of structural biology, which focuses on understanding the three-dimensional structures of biological molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and complexes. By combining mathematical modeling and computational techniques, biomathematics contributes to unraveling the intricate relationships between structure, function, and dynamics in biological macromolecules.

One area where biomathematics intersects with structural biology is in the prediction and analysis of protein structures. Computational methods such as homology modeling, molecular dynamics simulations, and energy minimization algorithms have been used to predict and refine protein structures based on known templates and physical principles [10]. These biomathematical approaches assist in understanding protein folding, stability, and interactions, thus aiding in drug design, enzyme engineering, and functional annotation of proteins.

In addition to these approaches, the use of mathematical techniques like the Fourier transform equations plays a crucial role in structure determination methods. The Fourier transform is a mathematical tool that allows the transformation of data from the reciprocal space (Fourier space) to real space, enabling the visualization and interpretation of the spatial arrangement of atoms within a macromolecule [11]. This mathematical approach aids in solving the phase problem and refining the model during the structure determination process.

By applying the Fourier transform equations, researchers can extract valuable information about the atomic positions, electron density distribution, and overall structure of biological macromolecules. This integration of biomathematics with structure determination methods facilitates the analysis and interpretation of experimental diffraction or imaging data, ultimately leading to the determination of high-resolution structures.

Furthermore, biomathematics facilitates the analysis and classification of protein structures through techniques like clustering algorithms, principal component analysis (PCA), and graph theory [12]. These mathematical methods help identify similarities, detect structural motifs, and uncover evolutionary relationships among protein families. Such analyses provide insights into protein evolution, the relationship between structure and function, and the design of experiments to validate structural hypotheses.

Another aspect where biomathematics contributes to structural biology is in the study of macromolecular interactions and networks. Mathematical models, such as systems biology approaches, can describe and simulate the behavior of complex biological systems involving multiple molecules and their interactions [13]. These models help elucidate signaling pathways, gene regulatory networks, and biochemical cascades, providing a deeper understanding of cellular processes and their underlying structural components.

Incorporating biomathematics into structural biology research opens up new avenues for exploring the structure-function relationships at different scales, from individual molecules to large macromolecular assemblies. It enables the formulation of testable hypotheses, guides experimental design, and accelerates the discovery of novel therapeutic targets and the development of innovative drugs.

Informatics Science and Biomathematics

Informatics science, which encompasses computer science, information systems, and data analysis, plays a crucial role in biomathematics. The vast amounts of biological data generated through high-throughput technologies require sophisticated computational methods for storage, analysis, and interpretation. Informatics techniques, such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics, are used to extract meaningful patterns and knowledge from biological datasets.

Bioinformatics, in particular, is a branch of informatics science closely related to biomathematics. It focuses on the development and application of computational tools and algorithms to analyze biological data, such as DNA sequences, protein structures, and gene expression profiles. By integrating mathematical and statistical models with informatics approaches, researchers can gain deeper insights into biological processes and unravel complex relationships within biological systems.

Biomathematics and Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have brought about significant contributions to the field of biomathematics. AI techniques, such as machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks, have been applied to various biological problems, ranging from genomics and drug discovery to medical imaging and diagnosis.

One prominent application of AI in biomathematics is the analysis of genomic data. With the vast amount of genomic information available, machine learning algorithms can be employed to identify patterns, detect genetic variations, and predict gene functions. For instance, AI-based models have been developed to classify different types of cancer based on genomic profiles, providing valuable insights for personalized treatment approaches. AI algorithms have also been utilized to predict the impact of genetic variants on disease susceptibility, aiding in the identification of potential therapeutic targets [14, 15].

Another area where AI has made significant contributions is drug discovery. Traditional methods of drug development can be time-consuming and expensive. However, by harnessing AI techniques, researchers can analyze large-scale biological datasets, including molecular structures, protein interactions, and chemical properties, to expedite the drug discovery process. Machine learning algorithms have been employed to predict the effectiveness of potential drug candidates, prioritize lead compounds, and optimize molecular structures for enhanced activity [16]. These AI-driven approaches hold great promise in accelerating the development of new drugs and therapies.

AI has also revolutionized medical imaging analysis, enabling more accurate and efficient diagnosis. Deep learning algorithms have been trained on vast datasets of medical images, such as X-rays, MRI scans, and histopathological slides, to detect abnormalities, classify diseases, and assist in clinical decision-making. For example, deep learning models have shown remarkable performance in detecting cancerous lesions from mammograms, aiding in early detection and improving patient outcomes. AI-based image analysis has also been applied to neuroimaging, where it helps in the diagnosis and monitoring of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis [17, 18].

Furthermore, AI has paved the way for personalized medicine, where treatment approaches are tailored to an individual's specific characteristics. By integrating patient data, including genomic information, medical history, and lifestyle factors, with AI-driven algorithms, biomathematics can facilitate the identification of personalized treatment strategies. For instance, AI models have been used to predict patient responses to different drug regimens, allowing clinicians to optimize treatment plans and minimize adverse effects [19].

A recent study implementing AI-guided discovery of novel antibiotics compounds showed a promising venue in the fight against the global and persistent problem of antibiotics resistance. The study focused on the multidrug resistance pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii and succeeded in discovering a new efficient antibacterial compound with narrow-spectrum activity against it, abaucin [20].

The integration of AI techniques with biomathematics has opened up new avenues in the study of biology, medicine and genetics. Such approach holds great potential in fighting antibiotics resistance and advancing precision medicine. Through the analysis of genomic data, drug discovery, medical imaging analysis, and personalized medicine, AI-driven biomathematics has shown promising results in enhancing our understanding of biological systems, accelerating research, and improving patient care.


Biomathematics has emerged as a powerful discipline that bridges the gap between mathematics and biology, offering a systematic framework to explore the complexities of life. Through mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and computational algorithms, biomathematics has significantly contributed to various fields, including biology, medicine, ecology, genetics, and structural biology. It has enabled the understanding of population dynamics, disease transmission, drug behavior, genetic traits, and evolutionary processes. By integrating biomathematics with informatics science, researchers can handle large biological datasets and extract meaningful patterns and knowledge.

Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence techniques with biomathematics has opened up new avenues in genomics, drug discovery, medical imaging analysis, and personalized medicine. These advancements hold immense promise for accelerating research, improving patient outcomes, and discovering novel therapeutic targets. The future of biomathematics lies in the continued exploration of mathematical modeling, informatics techniques, and artificial intelligence, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and furthering our understanding of the living world.


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