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JSBB: Volume 3, Issue 2, July 2024
Communication abstract – Online SEMINAR, 24 June 2024, University of Relizane, Algeria
The Entomofauna of some Agro-systems of the region of Magra, east of Msila - Algeria

Hamdani Mourad1,📧, Hoceini Faiza1, Hoceini Amina2, Moussoud Khedidja1, Sellama Chahrazad1, Benderradji Laid3

1Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Msila, Algeria
2Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Medea, Algeria
3Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Msila, Algeria

📧 Hamdani Mourad - E. mail: mhamdani2579@yahoo.com / mourad.hamdani@univ-msila.dz

Published: 25 July 2024


The study on the entomofauna of various agrosystems in the Magra region, located east of Msila, was conducted during the spring of 2023. Using filet fauchoir (sweep net) and direct capture methods in both cultivated and natural environments, we recorded a total species richness of 19 species in the natural environment, corresponding to 6 orders and 12 families, with an average richness of 3.8 species. In the cultivated environment, we recorded 16 species, corresponding to 5 orders and 14 families, with an average richness of 3.2 species. The Shannon-Weaver index calculated for the various species sampled was 2.54 bits in the natural environment and 2.73 bits in the cultivated environment, indicating moderate diversity. Equitability was 0.86 in the natural environment and 0.96 in the cultivated environment, reflecting a balance between the numbers of species inventoried.

Entomofauna, Agro systems, Filet fauchoir, Magra, Equitability

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