Concept article. – related to the I2A University Day 2023, 19 April 2023, University of Saida, Algeria
ChatGPT - A Powerful AI Language Model
The Transformative Power of AI in Biology

RACHEDI Abdelkrim

Laboratory of Biotoxicology, Pharmacognosy and biological valorisation of plants, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, University of Saida - Dr Moulay Tahar, 20100 Saida, Algeria.

📧 E. mail: abdelkrim.rachedi@univ-saida.dz, bioinformatics@univ-saida.dz

Published: 19 June 2023


Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised numerous domains, and its impact on biology, bioinformatics, and protein structure analysis is particularly remarkable. This review explores the wide-ranging applications of AI in these fields, focusing on notable examples such as ChatGPT and AlphaFold. A historical background is touched upon of AI, the concept of deep learning, and its relationship to ChatGPT and other language models. Furthermore, highlight the invaluable role of ChatGPT in assisting customers, generating content including of scientific relation, enhancing educational experiences, and aiding healthcare professionals.

In the field of biology and bioinformatics, AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, have become indispensable. They facilitate the analysis of biological data, prediction of protein structures, exploration of gene expression patterns, and identification of drug targets. With advancements in natural language processing, ChatGPT promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among scientists, enhancing communication in complex biological research.

One exemplary AI technology that has garnered significant attention is AlphaFold. developed by DeepMind, AlphaFold leverages deep learning algorithms to predict protein structures with unprecedented accuracy. Its potential applications in drug discovery, protein engineering, and disease understanding are immense. AlphaFold's ability to rapidly and accurately determine protein structures marks a significant milestone in scientific research.

This review highlights the transformative power of AI in biology and underscores the need for continued research and development. As AI technologies continue to evolve, there is immense potential for advancements in understanding biological systems, accelerating drug discovery, and shaping the future of personalized medicine. The integration of AI, exemplified by ChatGPT and AlphaFold, offers a promising pathway for scientific progress and innovation in the biological sciences.

Key words
Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Transformer architecture, Deep learning, AlphaFold, Bioinformatics, Protein structure prediction

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Background & Concepts

Artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable advancements over the years, revolutionising various fields. In biology, the integration of AI techniques has opened new horizons for data analysis, pattern recognition, and knowledge generation. The historical development of AI, from its early stages to the emergence of deep learning, has laid the foundation for the powerful AI models we observe today. Deep learning, with its ability to process vast amounts of data and learn complex representations, has paved the way for transformative applications in biology.

In bioinformatics, ChatGPT can aid in the analysis of biological data by providing insights and generating hypotheses. It can assist researchers in exploring gene expression patterns, predicting protein structures, and identifying potential drug targets. By leveraging its language generation capabilities, ChatGPT can contribute to the interpretation of complex biological data and facilitate collaboration among scientists [1].

In the realm of protein structure analysis AlphaFold, developed by DeepMind, leverages deep learning and AI algorithms to predict protein structures with remarkable accuracy. Its ground-breaking capabilities have the potential to revolutionise fields such as drug discovery, protein engineering, and understanding the molecular basis of diseases. Al algorithms as implemented in AlphaFold, have shown the ability to rapidly and accurately determine protein structures which generated widespread attention and has been recognized for its significant contributions to scientific research [2].

In genomics, ChatGPT can assist in the annotation and interpretation of genomic sequences. It can provide functional annotations, predict the impact of genetic variants, and aid in the identification of disease-causing mutations. ChatGPT can also support genetic counselling efforts by generating understandable explanations for complex genetic concepts and findings.

Moreover, ChatGPT can find applications in biomedical research, where it can help researchers in reviewing and summarizing scientific literature, extracting relevant information from vast datasets, and facilitating knowledge dissemination among peers.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations of ChatGPT, including the potential for bias in its responses and the necessity for human validation of its generated hypotheses or findings. Rigorous testing, validation, and continuous improvement are vital to ensure the reliability and accuracy of ChatGPT in biological applications.

Methods and Outcomes

The success of AI models like ChatGPT and AlphaFold can be attributed to the transformer architecture, a deep learning model that incorporates self-attention mechanisms [3]. Transformers utilize self-attention to capture contextual dependencies in natural language and generate coherent responses. ChatGPT is trained using large-scale datasets and employs autoregressive generation, predicting the next word based on the preceding context. On the other hand, AlphaFold utilizes deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks and attention mechanisms, to predict protein structures [4]. By training on known protein structures, AlphaFold can accurately predict the 3D structure of proteins from their amino acid sequences [5].

Applications of AI in biology and highlight the impact of ChatGPT and AlphaFold. ChatGPT finds utility in customer service, where it can provide timely and accurate responses to customer inquiries, improving the overall customer experience [6]. Additionally, ChatGPT's language generation capabilities enable content creation, generating engaging and personalized materials for various purposes [7]. In education, ChatGPT facilitates interactive learning experiences by generating quizzes, study guides, and personalized educational content [8, 9]. In healthcare, ChatGPT assists medical professionals in diagnosing and recommending treatments by analyzing patient symptoms and medical literature [10].

AlphaFold has made significant contributions to protein structure prediction, advancing our understanding of protein folding and aiding drug discovery efforts. Its ability to predict protein structures with high accuracy has the potential to revolutionize areas such as protein engineering, enabling the design of novel enzymes and therapeutics [11]. Furthermore, AlphaFold's predictions can shed light on the molecular mechanisms of diseases, providing insights for personalized medicine and precision healthcare [12].


AI brings immense opportunities to the field of biology, in vital and novel fields of genomic and proteomic analysis, remarkable structure and function prediction of macromolecules, potential rational design of new and effective drugs against diseases like cancers, antibiotics resistant microbes and biotechnology applications to mention few.

However, several considerations must be addressed. Biases in AI models, both in training data and algorithms, should be identified and mitigated to ensure fair and unbiased results [13]. Data privacy and security are of utmost importance, especially when handling sensitive biological and medical information [14]. The responsible development and deployment of AI in biology necessitate collaborations between AI experts and domain specialists to ensure accurate and reliable results. Ethical considerations surrounding AI use in biology, such as transparency and interpretability of AI models, should also be addressed to foster trust and accountability [15]. Additionally, ongoing research and development are needed to improve the performance and applicability of AI models in biology.


AI has revolutionized the field of biology, offering transformative applications across various domains. ChatGPT and AlphaFold serve as prime examples of AI's impact in customer service, content creation, education, healthcare, and protein structure analysis. These AI models have demonstrated their ability to assist customers, generate personalized content, enhance educational experiences, aid healthcare professionals in diagnosis and treatment, and advance our understanding of protein structures. While there are challenges and ethical considerations associated with AI in biology, they can be addressed through collaborations, responsible development practices, and ongoing research.


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