Review paper
Could bacteriophage, the ancient enemy of bacteria, be the solution to antibiotic resistance?
BENABBOU Taha Ahmed1, 📧., BELLIL Yahia1,2., BENREGUIEG Mokhtar1., CHAHROUR Wassila1,2.
1. Laboratory of Biotoxicology, Pharmacognosy and biological valorisation of plants Compus Ain El Hadjar, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, University Dr Tahar Moulay Saida, 20100 Saida, Algeria.
2. Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Nature Science and Life, University of Oran 1 Ahmed BENBELLA, B.P. 16, Es-Sénia,31100 Oran, Algeria.
📧 BENABBOU Taha Ahmed Department of Biology, University Dr Tahar Moulay Saida, 20100 Saida, Algeria.
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Received: October 2022 | First published: 01 November 2022
The threat of antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens has led to a resurgence of bacteriophages in the medical field. Although knowledge of these bacterial viruses has progressed considerably after almost a century of study, their therapeutic use is far from being mastered. The objective of this literature review was to provide an overview of bacteriophages while emphasizing the need not to underestimate phage therapy in the era of epidemic antibiotic resistance.
Key words
Bacteriophages, bacterial infections, antibiotic resistance, phage therapy, phage-antibiotic synergy.
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