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JSBB: Volume 2, Issue 3, December 2023 - BIOTECHNOLOGY ARTICLES
Research article: Master's research based.
This paper is related to a project Master’s degree in Biological Sciences Startup Diploma 2022-2023, within the framework of the Ministerial Decree 1275.
هذا المقال حول مشروع ماستر 2022-2023 لنيل شهادة مؤسسة ناشئة في إطار القرار الوزاري 1275
Bioconversion of Potato Peels Waste into Starch and Bioplastic

REGUIG Sabah, TEMAR Abir and RACHEDI Abdelkrim📧

Laboratory of Biotoxicology, Pharmacognosy and biological valorisation of plants, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, University of Saida - Dr Moulay Tahar, 20100 Saida, Algeria.

📧 E. mail: abdelkrim.rachedi@univ-saida.dz, bioinformatics@univ-saida.dz

Published: 15 December 2023


This research project investigates the conversion of potato peels waste into a valuable resource, primarily focusing on starch production as a market-competitive alternative to corn-starch. The study explores the feasibility of utilising potato peels, often discarded as agricultural waste, to extract starch in quantities and qualities that rival traditional corn-starch. The findings indicate that the derived potato-peel-starch not only meets industry standards but presents an eco-friendly solution to waste management.

In addition to starch production, the research extends its innovation to the creation of bioplastics from potato-peel waste, offering a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based plastics.

Additionally, this research showcases the versatile applications of the obtained starch. It has been successfully utilised in the creation of microbial culture media, expanding its utility beyond traditional industrial uses. Furthermore, through composting the residual potato-peels, a natural fertilizer has been produced, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices.

The multi-purpose utilisation of potato peels for starch, bioplastic, microbial culture media, and natural fertilizer production represents a holistic approach to waste valorisation. In particular, the potential impact of incorporating potato-peel derived starch and bioplastics into various industries is significant, with implications for fostering a circular economy and reducing reliance on conventional resources. This research aligns with global initiatives for sustainable living, offering not only environmentally friendly alternatives but also multiple avenues for repurposing agricultural waste. As we address the challenges of waste management and environmental conservation, the outcomes of this study advocate for a comprehensive and sustainable transformation of agricultural by products into valuable resources, paving the way for a more resilient and eco-conscious future.

However, this paper primarily reports only the results relevant to potato-peel-starch and bio-plastic. The full description of all results obtained in this project are reported in the master thesis by Reguig and Temar, 2023.

Key words
Waste valorisation, Agricultural waste, Potato peels starch, Corn-starch, Bioplastics, Market-competitive alternative, Eco-friendly solutions, Environmental conservation.

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Plastic is a synthetic material made up of macromolecules which are made from petroleum, the petroleum is refined, distilled, which makes it possible to obtain molecules called polymers, the word plastic is of Greek origin “plastikos” which means “malleable, which can be shaped” (Kara. 2012;Laurent. 2013). The first plastic is of biomass origin, celluloid was developed by the HYETT brothers in1870 during a competition asking to find a material to replace ivory in the manufacture of billiard balls (Dorbane, Benslimane. 2014). Currently the world production is 311 million tons in 2014, of which china ranked the first producer in the world by 26 % of the world production (Pnue, 2014).

Algeria and according to the national investment development agency, plastic consumption is one million tons per year, of which 2/3 of the primary materials are imported (ANDI, 2013). And according to the national statistics office, the plastics manufacturing sector experienced an increase of 1.5 % during the year 2012 compared to previous years (OMS, 2012).According to the direction of commerce of the city of Saida, the number of plastic recycling units is seven (7) units. The quantity of plastic to be recovered for the year 2015 is estimated at only 102 tonnes at the level of the technical landfill centre in level of the city of Saida, 10km capital of the city it considered as a minimal quantity (Epgcet, 2015). Despite the wide use of plastics in our daily lives, they are exposed to widespread criticism due to their harmful impact either on the environment or on human health (Dorbaneet al. 2012; Laurant2013).

Plastic waste causes $13 billion in financial damage to marine ecosystems (PNUE, 2014), recent studies of Bisphenol A and pH Talates, chemicals in plastics, show they can cause diseases like cancer (Laurant 2013, Pnue 2014).

According to the direction of health of the city of Saida, the number of cancer patients for period from 2011 to 2015, is 1041 patients and according to the same source that very large percentage resulting from chemical products and especially by the use of badly recycled plastic products (DSP .2015).

Considering the environmental impacts, and the health impact; the large amount of residual material from packaging made from ordinary plastic; in face of this critical situation, certain. Measures are taken into consideration such as the ban the use of single –use plastic bags, for example France ban the use of single-use bags from January 1, 2016 (energy transition law article n°75 of August 18.2015). In addition the encouragement of manufacture and use of plastic from renewable resources or bio-plastics (Kara S. 2012).

Materials and Methods

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Results & Discussion

Figure 15. Shredded quantity potato-peels

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Table 01. Summary of the three experiments and obtained results

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Figure 15. Example of starch extracted from potato-peels.

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Figure 17. Hard bioplastic coloured red; A 1cm thick block, B crackable sheet and C beaker shaped mould.

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Figure 18. Shreds or pallets of hard bioplastic that can be used in moulding process for the creation of hard type kitchenware like spoons and plates.

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Figure 19. Flexible bioplastic coloured green; in thick and flower shaped blob using a press mould.

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Figure 20. Transparent flexible bioplastic film can target packaging, storing food industry and may be used as alternative to plastic bags.

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The research project focused on recycling potato peels waste to produce starch has demonstrated significant potential for creating a sustainable and market-competitive alternative to corn-starch. The quantity and quality of the starch obtained from potato peels not only meet but exceed the standards set by traditional corn-starch. This breakthrough not only addresses the issue of waste management by utilizing potato peels but also offers an environmentally friendly alternative to a widely used agricultural product.

The positive impact of this project on environment and reduction of global warming can be seen if we consider the global 2030 projected generation of the quantity of 8 million tonnes of potato peels waste, as reported above, with greenhouse gas emissions of 5 million tons of CO2 equivalent associated with its disposal (Ebrahimian F. et al., 2022).

Furthermore, the project's innovation extends beyond starch production, as the development of bioplastics from the same potato peel starch, produced in the project, presents a viable alternative to petroleum-based plastics. This dual-pronged approach not only tackles the challenges associated with waste reduction but also contributes to mitigating the environmental impact of plastic pollution.

Although more analysis and further studies are still need to refine the quality of the starch and define the degradability time of the bioplastic produced in the project, the successful integration of these findings into various industries could mark a crucial step towards a more sustainable and circular economy. The adoption of potato peel-derived starch and bio-plastics has the potential to reduce dependency on conventional resources, decrease environmental degradation, and foster a more eco-friendly approach to industrial processes.

In the broader context, this research not only adds value to a commonly discarded agricultural by product but also aligns with global efforts to develop innovative solutions for sustainable living. As we navigate the complexities of modern waste management and environmental conservation, the findings from this study offer a promising avenue for creating a more sustainable and competitive market, with the added benefit of reducing our reliance on non-renewable resources.


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