The journal of Concepts in Structural Biology & Bioinformatics (JSBB) is a unique open access scientific journal in that it publishes two types of articles; Concept articles which are of medium level of scientific-concepts content dedicated for providing young researchers and postgrad students with knowledge and original Peer-reviewed articles in current edge fields of science relevant to Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Genomics, Proteomics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bio-AI*, Nutrition & Health and ultimately to Biology themes and applications.
* Artificial Intelligence
JSBB is a monthly journal that strives to publish one (1) peer-reviewed paper and four (4) concept articles each issue.


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  Volume-2, Issue-1, 2023


Complete Issue-1

  📖 JSBB_Vol_2_Issue_1_2023

Individual articles


Month April 2023

  🕮 The NALD database: A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding Molecular Interactions.1 - 10
  🕮 How does the antidepressant ESCitalopram work & Prospects for Rationally Designing of new 'Antidepressants' .. the 3D-structural perspective.11 - 22
  🕮 Antibiotic Resistance: A Global Public Health Crisis and Current Strategies for Combatting It.23 - 39

Month May 2023

  🕮 Biomimetic: nature’s promise for Artificial Intelligence.40
  🕮 LGVP histograms for text-independent writer Identification.41
  🕮 Arabic Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.42
  🕮 Artificial intelligence for improving the performance of computer networks.43 - 44
  🕮 ChatGPT - A Powerful AI Language Model - The Transformative Power of AI in Biology.45
  🕮 Open Source at the service of Artificial Intelligence.46

Month June 2023

  🕮 Teixobactin an antibiotic from soil bacteria for fighting Multiple Antibiotic Resistance phenomena.47 - 54
  🕮 Antibiotic Resistance and the Ribosome: A key Target in the Battle against Pathogens.55 - 65
  🕮 ChatGPT - A Powerful AI Language Model - The Transformative Power of AI in Biology66 - 70